View Full Version : site suggestion

09-06-2002, 07:02 AM
Now that people have the chance to request songs I think it would be a great idea to have a top 10 requests lists or something similiar on the site. Would something like this be hard to implement?

black max
09-06-2002, 11:44 AM
A good idea in theory, but in implementation it might not work so well. One or two yammerheads would be sure to "spam" the requests every 61 minutes with their favorite track to make sure "their" song got on the list. That would render the list irrelevant as well as ensure that we got to hear the same song every hour or so.

Sorry to make my first post on these boards a negative one. This is a terrific site!

09-06-2002, 12:06 PM
You got it. We tried this about a year ago, with those exact results. At the time, we were having tons of bogus requests, with people "hacking" the request system with all kinds of requests for their favorite band- we tried eliminating them, but there were too many.

Maybe we'll try it again soon, and give it another whirl.


07-14-2004, 05:06 PM
Boss, I've figured it out. Let's reinstate the most popular request feature with a twist - each week, the "winner" is removed from the playlist!

No, I'm not kidding....

(as an afterthought, we can grandfather in "Rome", "I Am The Sun", "Four Moments", Cairo's "Underground, and most of the Yes, King Crimson and Genesis catalogs. OK, that part I'm kidding about.)

07-15-2004, 02:09 PM
Since I've seen neither support nor outrage for my modest proposal, I'll refine it.

Keep track of requests. When a song reaches 10 cumulative requests, remove from the playlist for a day. When it reaches 20 cumulative requests, remove it from the playlist for a week. 30 requests = 1 month removal, 40 requests = 1 year removal.

07-15-2004, 03:02 PM
Wow. I'm betting the exact opposite would happen. Request your least favorite song over and over and get it outta here! I can see a GYBE! haters club pop up. "Everyone request 'Static' this week!" KW would request Don Caballero every night right as he went to sleep :eek:, knowing he'd miss it!!! (Just kidding there KW :D )

I like the idea of resting songs that get played a lot. This is the common practice of top-40 broadcast. They put in a new song, it goes into rotation at low, then mid, then high, high, mid, low. Rested for 6-8 monthes, then brought back as a "recurrent," which is right under "low." A month or two there, then rested again. Then it becomes and "oldie." So resting a song is solid.

But I think that, personally, it should be simpler. My proposal:
When a song earns 25 requests, it gets one month's rest - period. After a month, it comes back in the playlist. 25 requests later it is rested again.

Of course, optimally, this is something SAM can do. If a person had to look every so often to see if the song had reached 25 or whatever, then remove, have to remember to put it back in a month, etc.... Well, let's just say I wouldn't want to be that guy.

07-15-2004, 03:22 PM
I thought about people requesting a song to get it removed, but I figured they wouldn't want to burn enough requests to make it happen. Too bad we don't have the option to chain a listener to his computer once he makes a request, so he HAS to listen to it... (OK, I'm kidding on that one too)

07-15-2004, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by progdirjim
I thought about people requesting a song to get it removed, but I figured they wouldn't want to burn enough requests to make it happen.

It would be counterproductive, I agree. So you don't want to hear that 30 minute Godspeed song, and yet you requested in 20 times? Seriously though, I think your on to something with that "request this many times = removed for this amount time." The only thing would be figuring out how many times, how long a rest, and of course, how to make it work.

Rick and Roll
07-15-2004, 06:16 PM

There are so many songs on the playlist.....and so many not.

If you overplayed my least favorite tune, I still wouldn't mind too much. I would just do something else. To take time and commit sabotage would increase the amount of time spent on something unpleasant.

Here are some not so serious suggestions:

How about public ridicule for the person?
An forced 1000-word essay on why the song is so good?
Squeezing the genitalia until they sound like the singer fom Druid?

Or my favorite,

Substitute a song similar and seeing if they notice?

"Call me ageless, call me ghost, .........I am the sun!"

07-15-2004, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by Rick and Roll
An forced 1000-word essay on why the song is so good?

That's actually a great idea! If only it were possible to tell who requested what...

07-16-2004, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by Yesspaz
That's actually a great idea! If only it were possible to tell who requested what...


If you hear The Letter E and DonCab and Godspeed and (perm one from dozens) in close succession you can guess who's playing DJ.............and it won't be SAM. :D

Ha Ha! :p

07-16-2004, 12:01 PM
Heh, nice jab there KW. :cool: But beleive it or not, 95% of the time you see those artists, I had nothing to do with it! Besides, most of my DJing was that "wow, I can dj" mentality everyone goes through when they get a new toy, no matter what age! It's outta my system now.:D

Seriously, though, when a song is requested, all it shows in the queue is the name of the song followed by ~requested~ , so there's no way of "giving them an essay."

(I just looked at the queue to make sure I got the ~requested~ thing right, and made two observsations. #1, "Turing Machine - Swiss Grid" is in the requested queue. #2, I didn't request it or Dj it, so take summa that, KW! POW!)

Roger -Dot- Lee
08-04-2004, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by Yesspaz

Seriously, though, when a song is requested, all it shows in the queue is the name of the song followed by ~requested~ , so there's no way of "giving them an essay."

Well...that's not necessarily true, exactly. There are ways.

Let's just leave it at that.

Roger -Dot- Lee, Unrepentant Geek with a streak of curiosity that leads him into some VERY interesting discoveries.....

08-04-2004, 09:34 AM
Man, I know NOTHING about technology...