View Full Version : Request Time Limit

07-24-2001, 09:56 AM
What is the time limit between requests for the DJ SAM program? I know it says 20 minutes, but this is obviously not the case. I tried requesting a song at 9:30, this morning, and then again at 9:51, and both times, I was told the the request failed. Any ideas?


07-24-2001, 11:21 AM
It's 20 minutes. Exactly. Perhaps you missed it by a matter or seconds?

It will also not let you request a song that has been recently played (in the past 20 songs - on AM that may mean a hours in the past.)

I've noticed bugs, though, that might prevent you from making an honest request after the time periode has elapsed. The software has other bugs, and I wouldn't be surprised if this was one of them.

Can you tell me exactly what you tried to do - we have a detailed log of everything going on and I can look it up.


07-24-2001, 11:26 AM
At around 9, I requested "Stab In The Back" by Citizen Cain. It played about 8-10 minutes later. At 9:30 I tried to request "Liquid Kings" (also by CC). I was told the request failed. Again at 9:51 I tried again, and the request failed. Just before writing this, I tried to request again and was denied.


07-24-2001, 12:00 PM
Request finally went through at 11:57 AM. All times for these posts are Central Time.


07-24-2001, 12:34 PM
I looked it up in the logs - here's your original request...

24-07-2001,09:18:13,,0,E:\Music\Citizen Cain\Serpents In Camouflage\Citizen Cain - Stab in the Back.mp3
24-07-2001,09:26:21,,1,E:\Music\Citizen Cain\Serpents In Camouflage\Citizen Cain - Liquid Kings.mp3

According to this, you requested teh second song eight minutes after the first one. But the subsequent requests shouldn've gone through. Maybe our software counts your failed request as a request, and then restarts the 20 minute clock. This could very well be the case. I'll check into it.


07-24-2001, 12:54 PM
Okay, I guess I was a little too eager (could swore it was longer than 8 minutes tho). Thanks for the help.


07-29-2001, 04:48 PM
I can tell you for a fact that any failed request is logged as a request. I've requested, then 20 minutes later requested and failed, so it was probably 19 and seconds. So, I'd wait 2 or three minutes. Nope. No Doing. It's 20 minutes, accpeted or denied. I've had much practice requestin songs via SAM. I'm a student and a writer and am at my computer frequently.

Yesspaz Out.

07-30-2001, 12:50 AM
I have confirmed this, Yesspaz is correct. So don't make another request until your 20 minutes are up!

Hopefully, they'll fix that in a future release of the software.
