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Old 01-05-2009, 01:25 PM
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eloy1964 eloy1964 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
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Re: Moon O' Poll 2008 (replaces Rickter Scale show 209)

It would be great Rick, I can then just set up a feed to the shows as they occur. I struggle to listen to your show and really get annoyed because I know I would enjoy them looking at your listing. I subscribe to a few podcasts eg gagliarchives but do not know how to set them up. I have a few lecturers on podcast for my students but our tech guys set it up for me. I just supply the mp3. I have asked Jim a few times and he has said he would discuss with the team. All the shows on podcast would be great and I can listen to them on the move, which is where I have the free time.
A cause du soleil, we're living here, we suffer dear, let's start new life today.